- The treatment of lung cancer is dependent on the type and stage of cancer.
- The treatment explained here is only a summary:
1) Non-small cell lung cancer
* Stages IA, IB, IIA, IIB & some IIIA :
- basically the tumour is resected with / without removal of the lymph nodes in the mediastinum.
- post-operative radiotherapy is only advocated for selective patients.(with N2 disease if no neoadjuvant chemotherapy)
* Stage IIIA & IIIB
- The treatment for this stage of lung cancer is a little more complicated in that it depends also on the nature of the tumour i.e. bulky, with/without chest wall invasion,etc.
- It is suffice to say that resection of tumour is followed up with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
* Stage IV & more advanced IIIB
- For this stage, radiotherapy to site of the involved area for relieve of symptoms.
- Chemotherapy for ambulatory patients.
- Resection of primary tumour and tumour spread (metastases) will be considered.
2) Small cell lung cancer
- limited stage (good performance status) : chemotherapy + chest radiotherapy
- Extensive stage (good performance status) : combination chemotherapy
- complete tumour responders (all stages) : consider prophylactic cranial radiotherapy
- Poor-performanc-status patients (all stages) :modified-dose combination, palliative care.
3) All patients
- radiotherapy for brain metastases, spinal cord compression, weight bearing lytic bony lesions, symptomatic local lesions.
- encourage to stop smoking.
- supportive care during chemotherapy.